Saturday, April 6, 2013

Wonder Con and Tippett Studios

It has been a long while since a proper update, the reason for this is I have been busy at work making puppets (Tippett's Mad God, and for a studio called Lift Animation) as well as making 400! toys for Wonder Con with Ann Sidenblad, and Kyle Most. Up next I'm working on another "Mad God" puppet, as well as working on puppets for Jim Capobianco's film "Leonardo"

For a closer look at what I did on Mad God, I made the "Beaky Guy" Puppet, as seen below 

For this guy, I made the mold, air brushed the gradient layers of silicone into the mold before casting, clip foamed the interior, mixed all the dragon skin colors, cast, and seamed him!

For more about Mad God click here

Wonder Con was intense, we handed out about 3,000 cards, and gained a lot of toy exposure! I also added a photo album of the making of our toys on facebook 

View it here!

I will leave you with some WonderCon photos, and check back soon as I will be updating more throughout April!

 Our Table!
 Our newest rawrz sharks!!
Captain's log, stardate 2013, we came and 
conquered wondercon!

Kyle Most, Miles, and I, making toys